General remarks

We prefer to receive the data files in NetCDF format. For the definitions of specific quantities, please refer to the data description of the RICO case for the LES fields and CGILS for the SCM data.

The set below gives the minimum LES data set to be submitted. Please feel free to add any other variable like mass flux statistics as requested for previous LES intercomparison cases.

Where should you submit your data to?

We will arrange an anymous ftp site where you can dump your output.

Instantaneous 3D data fields

To facilitate a detailed analysis of the model data, we ask the participants to save instantaneous 3D fields of the prognostic variables for the ASTEX intercomparison study (so NOT for the composite cases). In particular, the liquid water potential temperature l [K], the total water content qt [g/kg], the liquid water content ql [g/kg], the rain water content qr [g/kg], the rain droplet concentration Nr [cm^-3], the three components of the wind velocity u,v, and w [m/s], and the subgrid TKE, e [m^2/s^2]. In this way the data can be conditionally sampled offline with arbitrary sampling criteria, e.g. cloud core, cloud, updrafts, strongest thermals etc. In addition, energy spectra can be calculated which will provide insight to the spatial structure of the vertical turbulent transport and the spatial distribution of cloud liquid water, temperature etc.

These variables should be stored at time intervals of 5 minutes for the following hours:

2-3 (Flight 2, A209), so at hours 2:00, 2:05, 2:10, ...., 2:55, 3:00

7-8 (Flight 3, RF06)


19-20 (Flight 4, RF07)


35-36 (Flight 5, A210)

The time interval of 5 minutes is needed to calculate representative hourly mean values. As indicated above, the times are partly selected on the basis of data availability from the aircraft. If data are given by a float of 15 characters, then the memory needed for any variable for a simulation with 256x256x320 grid points is about 336 Mb. All variables should be stored in one data file for each time interval: So in total 6 (hours)x12 (5-minute intervals)=72 data files are requested, which will need about 200 Gb for the entire data set. Please do also provide the heights (full and half levels), and the mean pressure value at any height.

Vertical profiles of the initial state

File name = (e.g.


  • {zf} Number of layers (full level)
  • {zh} Number of layers (half level)

Dependent variables, indexed (zf):

  • {zf} Altitude of layer mid-points (full level) [m]
  • {u} Zonal wind [m/s]
  • {v} Meridional wind [m/s]
  • {thetal} Liquid water potential temperature [K]
  • {qt} Total water (vapor+liquid+ice) [g/kg]
  • {rho} density [kg/m^3]
  • {pres} pressure [Pa]

Please give the absolute values for the shortwave and longwave radiative fluxes based on the initial profiles but calculated at 12 UTC (to obtain solar radiative fluxes), indexed (zh):

  • {SW_up} Upward shortwave radiation [W/m^2]
  • {SW_dn} Downward shortwave radiation [W/m^2]
  • {LW_up} Upward longwave radiation [W/m^2]
  • {LW_dn} Downward longwave radiation [W/m^2]

Time series of scalars

Instantaneous values are to be provided at an interval of 60 s for the duration of each simulation.
File name = (e.g.


  • {time} Number of output times


  • {time} - Time [s]
  • {zi} - Mean height of grid cells with largest potential temperature gradient [m]
  • {zcb} - Height of bottom of lowermost cloudy grid cell [m]
  • {zct} - Height of top of highest cloudy grid cell [m]
  • {zcbmn} - Mean height of bottom of lowermost cloudy grid cells [m]
  • {zctmn} - Mean height of top of lowermost cloudy grid cells [m]
  • {LWP} - Mean liquid water path [g/m^2]
  • {LWP_var} - Liquid water path variance [g^2/m^4]
  • {RWP} - Mean rain water path [g/m^2]
  • {cc} - Fraction of columns with number of cloudy grid cells > 0 [-]
  • {we} - Entrainment rate [m/s], to be computed from the maximum thl or qt gradient in each column
  • {SST} - Sea Surface Temperature [0C]
  • {SSA} - Sea Surface Albedo [0-1]
  • {shf} - Mean upward surface sensible heat flux [K m/s]
  • {lhf} - Mean upward surface latent heat flux [kg/kg m/s]
  • {Nc} - Mean cloud droplet concentration [cm^-3]
  • {Nr} - Mean rain drop concentration [cm^-3]
  • {tke} - Vertically integrated TKE (sgs plus resolved), not density weighted [m^3/s^2]
  • {SW_alb_TOA} - Ratio downwelling/upwelling shortwave radiation at TOA [0-1]
  • {prec_srf} - Mean (downward) precipitation flux at the surface [kg/kg m/s], (or [W/m^2] or [mm/day])
  • {prec_fracsrf} - Fraction of surface grid cells with a surface precipitation flux of 3.65e-5 kg/kg m/s or higher[-]

Time series of hourly averaged profiles

Profiles are to be averaged over 3600 s intervals for the duration of each simulation. The average over the first hour (1-3600 s) is given at t = 3600 s etc.
File name = (e.g.


  • {time} Number of output times (24)
  • {zf} Number of layers (full level)

Independent variables:

  • {time} Time [s]
  • {zf} Altitude of layer mid-points (full level) [m]

Dependent variables, indexed (time, zf):

  • {u} Zonal wind [m/s]
  • {v} Meridional wind [m/s]
  • {pres} Pressure [Pa]
  • {thetal} Liquid water potential temperature [K]
  • {qt} Total water (vapor+liquid) [g/kg]
  • {ql} Condensed water [g/kg]
  • {qr} Rain water[g/kg]
  • {u_var} Resolved variance of zonal wind [m^2/s^2]
  • {v_var} Resolved variance of meridional wind [m^2/s^2]
  • {w_var} Resolved variance of vertical wind [m^2/s^2]
  • {w_skw} Resolved (w'3)/(w'2)3/2 [-]
  • {thetal_var} Resolved variance of l [K^2]
  • {qt_var} Resolved variance of qt [kg^2/kg^2]

  • {tot_wthl} Total l flux, including subgrid-scale [K m/s]
  • {sgs_wthl} Subgrid-scale l flux [K m/s]
  • {tot_wqt} Total qt flux, including subgrid-scale[kg/kg m/s]
  • {sgs_wqt} Subgrid-scale qt flux [kg/kg m/s]
  • {tot_wthv} Total v flux [K m/s] , v= (1 + I qvap - qliq), with I = Rv/Rd-1 = 0.608, and Rd=287.04 J kg-1 K-1, Rv = 461.5 J kg-1 K-1, the gas constants for dry air and water vapor, respectively.
  • {tot_uw} Total (sgs plus resolved) zonal momentum flux [m^2/s^2]
  • {tot_vw} Total (sgs plus resolved) meridional momentum flux [m^2/s^2]

  • {res_tke} Resolved TKE [m^2/s^2]
  • {sgs_tke} Subgrid TKE [m^2/s^2]
  • {res_buoy} Resolved buoyancy TKE production [m^2/s^3]
  • {res_shr} Resolved shear TKE production [m^2/s^3]
  • {res_tke_transport} Resolved TKE transport [m^2/s^3]
  • {res_pres_transport} Resolved pressure transport [m^2/s^3]
  • {res_diss} (absolute value of the) TKE dissipation (explicit plus numerical) [m^2/s^3]

  • {cfrac} Fraction of cloudy grid cells [-]
  • {prec} Precipitation flux (positive downward) [kg/kg m/s]
  • {prec_prc} Precipitation flux (positive downward), averaged over precipitating grid cells only [kg/kg m/s]
  • {frac_prc} Fraction of precipitating grid cells with a precipitation flux of 3.65e-5 kg/kg m/s or higher[-]
  • {Nr} Mean rain drop concentration (see notes RICO intercomparison case) [cm^-3]
  • {Nc} Mean cloud droplet concentration (see notes RICO intercomparison case) [cm^-3]
  • Please give the absolute values for the shortwave and longwave radiative fluxes:
  • {SW_up} Upward shortwave radiation [W/m^2]
  • {SW_dn} Downward shortwave radiation [W/m^2]
  • {LW_up} Upward longwave radiation [W/m^2]
  • {LW_dn} Downward longwave radiation [W/m^2]

If you happen to have coded a conditionally sampling routine as frequently requested for previous intercomparison studies, we are happy to receive these data as well.

Model description

|Scientist Name:
|Model Type (SCM, 2D cloud resolving, or 3D LES):
|(1) Integration time

|(2) Numerical Domain
|Dimensions (fill in if different than specified in problem description):
|Domain size in x-direction:
|Domain size in y-direction:
|Domain size in z-direction:
|Number of grid points in x-direction:
|Number of grid points in y-direction:
|Number of grid points in z-direction:
|Grid size in x-direction:
|Grid size in y-direction:
|Grid size in z-direction:
|Time step for dynamics:
|(3) Numerical Technique (LES and CRM only)
|Numerical method (finite-difference, spectral, etc.):
|Advection scheme and its order of accuracy:
|Time scheme and its order of accuracy:
|Dynamical equations (elastic, anelastic, etc.):
|Lateral boundary conditions:
|Upper boundary condition:
|How was translation velocity of the reference frame chosen?
|(4) Physical Parameterizations
|Microphysical parameterizations:
|Drizzle/Rain parameterization:
|PBL parameterization (SCM):
|Cloud amount and macro-physical parameterization (SCM):
|Shallow convection (SCM):
|Deep convection parameterization (SCM):
|LW radiation:

|SW radiation:

|Cloud Feedback in parent GCM (LW, SW and Net) if known:
|Other Comments:
|(5) Turbulence Closure Scheme (LES, if applicable)
|Turbu lence closure (SGS or ensemble mean):
|Specific turbulence closure type (Mellor-Yamada, etc.):
|Variables predicted by the turbulence closure (eddy diffusivities, turbulent kinetic |energy, etc.):
|Closure for dissipation rate:
|Closure for turbulent dissipation length scale:
|Closure for turbulent diffusion length scale:
|(6) Documentation
|Please provide references that more fully describe your model, if available.